Case Study: Evaluating the Help Desk

      Customer service is critical to providing a long-term relationship between a company and its customers. Holding on to a customer, while easier than finding new ones, is often hard to quantify in terms of increased sales. The challenge faced by many companies is the benefits are indirect.

      A common challenge of customer service is the call center or help desk function provided to serve and maintain customers. Traditionally, these call centers (even if only 1 or 2 employees in size) were considered part of the telephone arena of a company. As such, a call center would often be appraised as a part of the call flow within an organization. Statistics would be generated and staffing levels would be determined based on what was identified as incoming calls.

      When a company steps back from this traditional approach, they realize that phone calls are a part of a company's overall communication schema. In the case of typical help desk requests, the information flow is not primarily inbound. Instead, the flow of information is primarily outbound - from the help desk professional to the customer. Now we can review the tactical solutions available from a more strategic perspective. Since most help desks answer the same questions over-and-over, we identify 3 things:
      What are the current "top" questions?
      Who is calling in with those questions?
      What is the most acceptable model for getting these answers to the customer?
      In some cases, we have also reduced staffing costs through this process, while still maintaining good customer service and retaining customers for future sales.

      This is just one way in which Cross Link Consulting can enhance a company's bottom line, both today and in the future.

Case Study: You Can't Manage What You Can't Measure

      With the movement toward green alternatives, as well as the increasing cost of commuting, more and more companies are implementing alternatives to centralized work centers. One option many companies are using is working from home. The challenge facing most managers, however, is how to make sure the employee is really working.

      Through a variety of options, today, companies are creating the virtual office; seamlessly integrating the data and telecommunications an employee uses in order to provide the measurable statistics which allow a manager to fully utilize these valued employees. One such area is in relation to Call Centers. Often, the cost of full-time employees is more than is warranted. Yet in order to properly staff for peak usage, many companies over-staff. By utilizing part-time employees who can utilize Voice over IP (VoIP), call center managers can staff to the peaks at a greatly reduced cost to the company.

      This is just one way in which Cross Link Consulting can enhance a company's bottom line, by designing or overseeing the implementation of virtual offices.

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Case Studies
Transforming Businesses through Top-line Growth and Process Innovation